We are committed to you so much so that you don't have to commit to us. We won’t ever make you commit to a delivery contract, because we believe you’ll enjoy the quality and convenience of our local products without any strings attached. Simply pay as you go. If you for some reason decide to no longer receive our service, all we require is a week’s notice. There is however, an annual $16 Membership Fee, which makes you eligible for our deliveries as well as to shop in our online store. You will be charged this fee annually on your sign up anniversary. 

If you have your exchange bag out at the time of each delivery you will only pay an $8 bag fee on our 1st order. We recommend handing the bag on the door handle and in the summer putting a cooler on our porch that the bag will fit in. 

Your order will be billed the before your delivery which will include the bag fee. After the delivery is made and our driver picks up the exchange bag then an $8 credit will be applied back to your LocalFarmOK account.  The exchange bag system is a delivery-by-delivery charge. We give ½ credit to bags returned after the next delivery. 

Large orders with multiple bags, only hold a bag depot if 1 bag. Resulting in returning multiple bags but receiving 1 bag credit. We do this so we do not discourage placing large orders. I.e. 3 bags delivered = $8 deposit. 3 bags returned = $8 credit. 

Bag credits are applied to your LocalFarmOK account only and not applied to credit/debit cards.

We do not come and pick up bags after canceling. However, the bags are great to use at the grocery store, farmers markets, etc.

We deliver to: 

Tulsa Metropolitan area - including Owasso, Collinsville, Bixby, Broken Arrow, Jenks, Sand Springs, Sapulpa and Glenpool.
OKC Metro: Edmond, Yukon, Mustang, Moore, Norman.

You can click the "Sign Up" tab and enter your address to confirm delivery area. 

To view the delivery area map click here "view our delivery area"

If you're not in our delivery area, we can deliver to your workplace if that is in our delivery area, or maybe to the home of a friend/family member. If neither of these are options, don't fret! Our delivery areas are expanding frequently so it's likely we may be delivering to your area soon! To be added to our waiting list, please send us an email so that we are aware of your interest. We will contact you as soon as we open your area for delivery.
To skip a delivery it is simple, follow the instructions below:

Log into your account>  My Account>  Delivery Hold> Enter Leaving and Return Dates. 
Upon delivery, immediately remove the plastic liner with the produce inside from the Farm Bag. It is suggested storing each of the items in the packaging it comes in, making certain you roll the top of the bag closed to ensure the moisture is held in. Place the plastic bags with produce in the refrigerators produce drawer in the least chilled part of your refrigerator. If stored properly, the produce should last up to 2 week in most cases, if not more - and always make certain to wash the produce right before you enjoy it. 
It's not necessary to be home to receive your delivery as we make your delivery right to your front door in an insulated cooler bag. In warmer months, we highly recommend you leave a cooler out if you are not going to be home at time of delivery. This ensures your items remain as fresh as possible for you to enjoy once you return!

We are happy to accommodate any special delivery instructions for your Farm Bag placement, just let us know.
While farming is a 24-7 job, we try to keep standard office hours, so that we may enjoy quality time with our family and loved ones. The office is open Monday - Friday 8am-3pm. The best way to reach us is via email at support@localfarmok.com Simply indicate what you are seeking in the subject line and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

There is an annual membership fee of $16 which is charged at time of signing up and on your sign up anniversary annually from there. There is also a onetime bag deposit fee of $8 which is applied to your first delivery charge. Bag subscriptions start at $22.99 and go up from there. To learn more about the pricing of all our products offered, please visit the SHOP tab on this site.

In the event you forget to leave your bag out for exchange, Dont sweat it.  A new bag with produce will be left but the $8.00 credit will not be applied to your account.  If you return the bag at a later date 1/2 credit will be issued to your LocalFarmOK account. 
At this time, all Farm Bags are the same – containing the “Farmer’s Choice” of the week’s freshest offerings. This allows us to provide you with the highest quality, local produce at the best price point. So if you get something in your bag that is not your preference, simply share it with a friend or neighbor! Even so, you are still getting an amazing deal on your produce! If you are interested in additional items not present in the Farm Bag, you may always add additional Local items found in our online store for additional fees.

We operate a large greenhouse that grows 365 days a year, raise our own pastured chicken, pork, and beef. Many of our items come from our farm or partners right here in our backyard. If we are unable to source items needed through our network of local farmers, we will utilize our local distributors to find the needed products outside of what we consider local.

You can change your order as often as you like.  Order changes must be made before the order window closes, which is each Friday at 6:00 am prior to the coming week's delivery.

You can manage your orders directly through our website any time before your cut off day by logging in with your username and password given at sign up. Please note that order changes include “Skip Delivery” or vacation holds.  Click on the tab that says, "Going On Vacation?" to skip deliveries.

When signing up, there is an $8.00 bag deposit charged to your first order. This should be the only time you will be charged for the deposit, as long as you have your exchange bag present each delivery. It is the responsibility of the customer to place the exchange bag out each time a delivery is made. Once the exchange bag is accounted for at time of delivery, a credit is issued after the delivery. However, in the event an exchange bag is not present, a new bag will be left and the $8 fee will be charged with your order.

If you forget to return your exchange bag, you can can return it with your next delivery for 1/2 credit. Bag deposit credits are issued to your LocalFarmOK account to be applied to your next order(s) and not refunded back on credit card. 

If you decide to cancel your account, you get to keep the last bag delivered. We do not come out to pick up the last bag or credit forgotten bags from past deliveries. The Farm Bags are awesome for Farmer's Market runs, trips to the grocery store, road trips, picnics, etc.
Our cooler bags are insulated, however for best results, please try to leave a cooler in shade to help protect your delivery in sunny hot weather months. We also recommend that you leave some loose ice from your freezer or personal ice packs if you are going to be gone from your house for longer than the typical 8 hour workday or if the day is going to be above 75 degrees Fahrenheit.
We have many customers who live in these homes and strive to find a working solution for deliveries. In most instances, we are able to have access to the building from the site management. There are instances though where we cannot make deliveries to controlled access locations and if that is the case we are happy to try and work out a different delivery option for you.

Can't we work it out?  We hate to see you go! 

To cancel your service, simply login and remove ALL RECURRING items from your account prior to the cutoff.

Once you have removed your RECURRING ORDERS from our site, email support@localfarmok.com to have your account deactivated.

To continuously improve, we appreciate any feedback you can provide. 

Please note that cancellations must be made before the order window closes each week.  

Unfortunately due to the nature of traffic, we can't guarantee a delivery time.  Delivery time depends on two things: 1) the length of your route. Some routes have more subscribers than others, and 2) what number you are on the route. We can always help you understand where you are on your route for that day, but to nail down a time would be hard to do. 

Due to the constant change in our routes, delivery times change from week to week. We deliver from 8-5. If you do not receive your delivery by 5 on your scheduled day please email us and we will run tracking on it for you.
We LOVE customer LOVE and reward it accordingly! For each person you refer, you get a FREE Farm Bag - with no limits on how many you can receive! So make sure your friends enter your name in the referred by field when signing up and you will be well on your way to enjoying FREE produce! 
In the event you receive notice that your credit card has been declined, please login immediately to update your information in order to make sure your service is not interrupted. 
If you are having trouble logging in, it could be one of several things. If your account has gone several months without orders, there is a good chance your account has been deactivated. To reactivate, simply email support@localfarmok.com to request this. If you have forgotten your log in details, you may always follow the process online to reset passwords and personal information. Should you need additional help with this, please reach out to us and we will gladly get this fixed for you!
We are excited to share our easy to follow recipes, inspired by the contents each week. You will receive the weekly recipes via email prior to your delivery. We are hopeful to transform the way you eat and ultimately feel - and hope that you try new things and discover new favorites along the way. For additional recipes and ideas, please visit our recipe section on the Local Farm OK site.

Any changes to orders must be made before the cut of time each Thursday night at midnight. Attempts for cancellation, skipping deliveries, vacation, etc. made after the cut off will still be charged. We strongly recommend that if this situation occurs that you have a neighbor or friend pick up the bag to hold for you or to let them enjoy the produce themselves. The other option is to have the bag donated to the OK Foodbank. We thank you for your understanding, for we need ample time to harvest, plan for and source your desired items.

Each Thursday, contents will be listed on our Facebook (Local Farm OK) and Instagram (@localfarmok) pages - giving you a glance into what to expect for the coming week. You can find the Instagram feed at the bottom of the LocalFarmOK Home Page - as well you can click on the Facebook or Instagram icons located on the top right hand corner of the Home Page to visit these pages.
Deliveries take place between Tuesday and Thursday weekly. Your delivery day is determined by where you are receiving your delivery. Upon completing the registration process, you will be notified of which route you have been assigned to and when to expect your first delivery. 

We hope that this is never the case, but produce does go bad. We do our best to make sure that our produce is the best available but sometimes it happens - We will make it right! 

If you every receive an item that is not of good quality please snap a picture of it and text it to 918-200-7299 or email us at support@localfarmok.com so we get the issue resolved. 

Please notify us of any quality issues within 24 hrs. of the delivery. 

We will always do our best to make our customers happy!


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